Saturday, March 13, 2010

Catching Up Odds & Ends

In this pic. I am wearing a scarf & hat my mother (Cheerful Worker ) made me. She was going to make it for herself but it didn't fit her, so she gave it to me. She was also going to make matching ones but when she went back to the yarn shop she couldn't find that color so she got a darker color orange. I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We have been pretty busy lately. Mr. Blueberry Eyes has been sick this week. It started when we were making dog biscuits to sell the other day and when we were half-way through making the orders he came down with a sore throat and than a fever and he still has not gotten over it and he came down with it last Sunday so that would be a week ago tomarrow afternoon.

My Uncle (M.P.) is doing well in bootcamp. I am forgetting if I mentioned that he went to bootcamp right after he got married, but now you know if I didn't mention it. He hurt his knee a few years ago, but it has been holding out.

My birthday is coming up. Let's see it is the 13th of March and my birthday is the 6th of April so it is 24 days till my birthday and Mr. Blueberry Eye's birthday is the 14th of April so 24 + 8 = 32 so 32 days till his birthday.

I am trying to earn some money to send myself to summer camp and to get myself a brand new comforter cover, sheets, and the bed skirt.

Our big collie dog ( Old Faithful) and our 2 cats (Lucky Tiger) and (Old Whino) are all sleeping in the living room while I write and our little yorkie ( The Spy Deputy) is in bed with my dad.

Tomarrow is Pathfinders and we are working on our baking honor. Last Pathfinders' meeting we made yyyuuummmyyy cup cakes mmmmmmmm. They were so good!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mommy is reading on the couch right now.

Well, I think I'm done blabbing. Tata for now.


granny flash said...

Hi, Sweetie! I enjoyed your Chronicles. By the way, those doggie biscuits were very yummy.
Ha! Did you eat all your muffins
from last week's Pathfinders? They
sure sound good, too.

Well, I'm heading home.

Love, Grandpa

granny flash said...

Grandpa's hungry as a bear.
Gotta run.

Granny Flash

nani said...

So happy to find your new entry as it is always fun to read what you write and know what you are doing. I guess I didn't look yesterday. I do hope Mr. Blueberry Eyes is better today and that you don't get sick. Did you get all your orders for dog biscuits filled? Grandpa S took your youngest cousin to the park and I am getting sleepy sitting at the computer. I better get up and move around. Love you lots,