Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A Fun Weekend

This weekend, my family and me went to a cabin to spend the weekend. It was quite a cute cabin, pretty small, but still quite cute. We spent the first day getting settled and playing games and eating and then sleeping. The next day, The Wood Artist (my Dad), Mr. Blueberry Eyes (my brother) and me got up really quietly - or so to my Mom we did. We got dressed and we went out for a walk. We crossed a fence and walked into the meadow.
We found some tracks right as we started walking into the woods.

We saw rabbit tracks and tracks that we think were probably coyote tracks and big places in the snow that The Wood Artist thinks were probably pushed down by a moose. We walked on a little further, following the moose tracks and then we all heard something. At first it sounded like a moose or a siren. But in the end we found out that it was coyotes howling. Now that was pretty neat. Too bad The Stitch Maiden (my mommy) wasn't there. They were fairly close.
Anyway, the weekend was fun. - Tiarra

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